The Effectiveness of Management Options Used for the Control of Spartina Species (systematic review)
Posted by AndrewPullin on July 11, 2014What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the effectiveness of management interventions used to control the abundance or completely eradicate invasive Spartina species; and to analyse, when possible, the effects that potential sources of heterogeneity (e.g. substrate type) have on the results.
Does the Use of In-stream Structures and Woody Debris Increase the Abundance of Trout and Salmon? (systematic review)
Posted by AndrewPullin on July 11, 2014What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the impact of in-stream structures on the abundance of salmonids and Cottus gobio. The secondary objective was to examine the impact of hydrological and ecological variables on the effectiveness of in-stream structures.
Does Sheep-grazing Degrade Unimproved Neutral Grasslands Managed as Pasture in Lowland Britain? (systematic review)
Posted by AndrewPullin on July 11, 2014What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to assess the impact of sheep grazing on Cynosurus cristatus-Centaurea nigra (MG5) ‘old meadow’ pasture compared to cattle grazing, horse grazing or no management.
Are Current Management Recommendations for Conserving Saproxylic Invertebrates Effective? (systematic review)
Posted by AndrewPullin on July 11, 2014What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the question: “Are current management recommendations for conserving saproxylic invertebrates effective?” Within this, to investigate whether biotic and abiotic factors, such as those listed below, can be manipulated through site-based management in order to benefit […]
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