The Effectiveness of Management Options Used for the Control of Spartina Species (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the effectiveness of management interventions used to control the…
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Does the Use of In-stream Structures and Woody Debris Increase the Abundance of Trout and Salmon? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the impact of in-stream structures on…
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Does Sheep-grazing Degrade Unimproved Neutral Grasslands Managed as Pasture in Lowland Britain? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to assess the impact of sheep grazing…
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Are Current Management Recommendations for Conserving Saproxylic Invertebrates Effective? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the question: “Are current management recommendations for…
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Do Hedgerow Corridors Increase the Population Viability of Woodland Species? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the following questions: “Do hedgerows increase the…
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Development as a Conservation Tool: Evaluating Ecological, Economic, Attitudinal, and Behavioural Outcomes (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to identify the characteristics of conservation projects that…
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Effectiveness of Current Methods for the Control of Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum). (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise the available evidence in order to examine the effectiveness of bracken control interventions, to identify…
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Do Commonly Used Management Interventions Effectively Control Rhododendron ponticum? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the question: “Do commonly used management interventions effectively control…
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Effectiveness of the Control of Ragwort (Senecio) Species: Can Biological Control by the Use of Natural Enemies Effectively Control Senecio jacobaea (Common Ragwort)? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to evaluate the effectiveness of natural enemies used for the control…
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Do Trapping Interventions Effectively Reduce or Eradicate Populations of the American Mink (Mustela vison)? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to adress the question “Do management interventions effectively reduce…
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