Effects of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) on Deforestation and Poverty in Low and Middle Income Countries (systematic review)
This Systematic Review is co-registered with the Campbell Collaboration and is also posted in their library at www.campbellcollaboration.org/lib/project/348/
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Effects of Decentralized Forest Management (DFM) on Deforestation and Poverty in Low and Middle Income Countries (systematic review)
This Systematic Review is co-registered with the Campbell Collaboration and is also posted in their library at www.campbellcollaboration.org/lib/project/265/
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Is predator control an effective strategy for enhancing bird populations? (systematic review)
The control of predators to protect populations of vulnerable bird species is an important nature conservation issue because in recent years predation pressure upon many populations has increased. Predator removal by…
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Is translocation of problematic jaguars (Panthera onca) an effective strategy to resolve human-predator conflicts? (systematic review)
In the case of the jaguar (Panthera onca), predation on domestic animals is closely associated with the decrease of available natural prey due to hunting and habitat loss. In spite of…
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How do draining and re-wetting affect carbon stores and greenhouse gas fluxes in peat soils? (systematic review)
What is the rationale? Peatlands represent an estimated 2-5%of global land cover, yet contain between 30-50% of the world’s soil carbon store. Traditionally peat soils have been managed…
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