Does structural connectivity facilitate effective dispersal of native species in Australia’s fragmented terrestrial landscapes? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To address the following questions: “Do the various landscape elements associated with structural connectivity in fragmented terrestrial landscapes…
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How Does the Impact of Grazing on Heathland Compare with Other Management Methods? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To ascertain: • How the impacts of grazing on heathland compare with the impacts of burning, cutting or no management? • The effect…
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Does reduced MHC diversity decrease viability of vertebrate populations? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To examine whether reduced major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity decreases the viability of vertebrate populations.
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Effectiveness of African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) re-introductions in South Africa. (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To investigate the effectiveness of attempts to re-introduce wild dogs in South Africa and to determine the determinants of re-introduction success.
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Do Control Interventions Effectively Reduce the Impact of European Red Foxes on Biodiversity and Agricultural Production in Australia? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To examine whether control interventions effectively reduce the impact of European red foxes on biodiversity and agricultural production in Australia….
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What are the impacts of human recreational activity on the distribution, nest-occupancy rates and reproductive success of breeding raptors? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the impacts of human recreational activities…
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Are marine protected areas effective tools for sustainable fisheries management? I. Biodiversity impacts of marine reserves in the temperate zone (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to determine the impacts of establishing temperate zone no take areas…
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What are the effects of salmonid stocking in lakes on native fish populations and other fauna and flora? Part A: Effects on native biota (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the following questions: “What are the…
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Are Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) Control and Eradication Interventions Effective? (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to address the question: “Are Japanese knotweed…
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The Effectiveness of Land-Based Schemes (incl. Agri-Environment) at Conserving Farmland Bird Densities within the U.K. (systematic review)
What is the aim of the review? To systematically collate and synthesise published and unpublished evidence in order to examine the effect that different land-based schemes…
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