The CEE is a global collaboration that has a network of Centres around the world.
Centres contribute to the work of the CEE by encouraging evidence-based practice and systematic review activity within their geographic region. At present there are seven national CEE Centres, based in Canada, France, South Africa, Sweden and the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and one international CEE Centre (SEI). Centres obtain their own funds to perform centre functions. To see details and activities of each centre use the quick links on the right.
Some specific functions of CEE Centres are:
- To develop in-house expertise in systematic review methodology.
- To contribute to the development of CEE guidelines for the conduct of systematic review in environmental management.
- To integrate activities with other CEE Centres to develop the CEE library and maintain a common database of systematic reviews in progress.
- To promote and encourage the appropriate commissioning of systematic reviews by relevant funding bodies (national government organisations, donors, agencies, NGOs).
- To seek contracts to contribute to and/or facilitate the conduct of systematic reviews (commissioned by other organisations) to CEE standards and guidelines.
- To work with practitioners and policy formers to raise awareness of evidence-based practice and identify need for systematic reviews.
- To run training courses in systematic review methodology and provide advice and mentoring for review teams in its geographical area.
CEE Centres are established by agreement between the CEE Board of Trustees and the Centre Executive. Please contact the CEE Board at if you are interested in establishing a Centre.
Dr. Steven Cooke is the Director of the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation at Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario). CEBC members conduct evidence syntheses to support evidence-based decision making and policy development. The Centre produces evidence syntheses that offer a traceable source of evidence and repeatable methodology to inform conservation actions that are defensible and rational.
CEE-Chile is hosted by the Millennium Nucleus Center for the Socioeconomic Impact of Environmental Policies (CESIEP) and the Center for Applied Ecology and Sustainability (CAPES) both located at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Both research centers represent a team of scholars working on providing rigorous scientific evidence on the impact of environmentally relevant policies.
The Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité (FRB) is a foundation for scientific cooperation about biodiversity and ecosystems. It acts as a science-policy-society interface encouraging dialogue and joint projects and calls thanks to its scientific council and it Stakeholders Advisory Board (more than 170 institutional members). It also works closely with various ministries such as those in charge of ecology, agriculture, research and oversea territories.
Stockholm Environment Institute
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) is an international non-profit research and policy organisation that aims to bridge science and policy while addressing environment and development challenges. SEI’s work spans climate, water, air, and land-use issues, and integrates evidence and perspectives on governance, the economy, gender and human health. SEI is a global organisation with ten offices in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America.
South Africa
The Collaboration for Environmental Evidence’s Johannesburg Centre (CEE Joburg) was established in April 2012 and arose from the Collaboration¹s recognition of the need for a regional centre based in Africa.
United Kingdom
The UK CEE Centre includes 3 linked institutions, Bangor University, University of Exeter and Harper Adams University. The combined expertise and capacity at these three institutions gives the UK CEE Centre an enhanced ability to support evidence synthesis across the spectrum of environmental decision-making.