The CEE Database of Evidence Reviews (CEEDER) is an open access Evidence Service started in 2018. It aims to help policy makers, managers, funders, and the general public to find reliable evidence reviews and syntheses to inform their decision making in environmental management.

The aims of CEEDER are not only to guide evidence users to reliable reviews but also to provide tools to authors, editors and peer reviewers for improving the reliability of future reviews in the environmental sector (see Checklist for editors and peer reviewers).

What is CEEDER as a service ?

CEEDER is an open-access evidence service provided by the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE). The service collates all forms of evidence reviews and syntheses relevant to environmental management and policy interventions and anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Articles are considered for addition to the CEEDER database as they are published or otherwise become available globally.

The database allows decision makers to search for and identify evidence syntheses of relevance to their evidence needs. The added value of the service is that it also provides a critical appraisal of each review’s reliability based on the primary data available for the review and the conduct of the review itself using the CEE Synthesis Appraisal Tool (CEESAT).

Although primarily aimed at decision makers wishing to use evidence to inform their decisions, CEEDER will also aid in improving the reliability of reviews in the environmental sector by offering guidance and resources to authors, editors and peer reviewers.

What does the CEEDER database include?

The CEEDER database collates all forms of evidence reviews and syntheses relevant to environmental management, as they are published or otherwise become available globally. The CEEDER database lists available (commercially published and ‘grey’) syntheses of primary research (e.g. critical reviews, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, rapid reviews) conducted to assess evidence on a specific question of environmental policy or management relevance.

Most importantly, the database provides an independent assessment of the reliability of each synthesis. Presentation of the assessment is tailored to the needs of decision makers and other evidence consumers in governmental, non-governmental and private sectors as well as the general public. To know more about how this assessment is provided please visit ABOUT CEESAT.

The database contains :

  • ‘evidence reviews’, that claim to make some form of quantitative assessment of impacts on the environment or effectiveness of interventions that would be of direct interest to management or policy,
  • evidence overviews’, that claim to have collated and/or mapped what evidence exists on environmental impacts and interventions.

Reviews and Overviews:
An ‘Evidence Review’ is a review and/or synthesis (e.g. meta-analysis) of primary research findings where the objective is stated as providing an answer to a question or test of a hypothesis relating to effectiveness of an intervention or impact of an exposure.
An ‘Evidence Overview’ is a review of primary research where a main objective is stated as assessing or mapping the distribution and abundance of evidence in primary studies (e.g. geographic and taxonomic patterns for identifying knowledge gluts and gaps), and/or exploring a specific topic of interest to configure bodies of evidence, on a specified question relating to effectiveness of an intervention or impact of an exposure.

For more details please go to SEARCH THE CEEDER DATABASE.

What is the scope of reviews presented in CEEDER?

The scope of reviews included in CEEDER currently covers the whole of the environmental sector (environmental science, policy and management) and is global. The specific question or topic of the review should have relevance for policy or practice and there should be intent to synthesise primary studies and provide a measure of effect (e.g. impact of an activity or effectiveness of an intervention).

What is NOT included in CEEDER?

Purely descriptive reviews or ‘expert’ opinion articles are not included unless the authors claim to provide a measure of effect. The specificity of the question varies from broad global issues to precise cause and effect relationships in single species or restricted areas. Human wellbeing is included when there is also a significant environmental component in the question.

Currently we specifically exclude the following subject areas except where a clear link is made to environmental management:
-animal veterinary science
-animal nutrition
-animal behaviour
-plant physiology
-nutrition, improvement and growth regulation
-engineering and construction
-biotechnology and bioengineering
-human health, education, social welfare and social justice
-species distribution and abundance (where no cause and effect is addressed).

Who is behind the CEEDER Database?

CEEDER is a free service provided by CEE because of the contribution of many volunteers whom we gratefully acknowledge:

No funders

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