CEEDER is a free service provided by CEE because of the contribution of volunteers whom we gratefully acknowledge.
We have several groups of volunteers that support CEEDER:
1. The CEEDER Team, supervising the process, providing training, making decision about future developments, and liaising with the Board and other CEE teams;
2. The Advisory Board: will be launched in 2025, this Board provides advice to make CEEDER more user-friendly and relevant to user needs
3. The Review College, in charge of assessments of evidence reviews and overviews using the CEESAT tool;
4. The Screening team, in charge of selecting reviews and overviews that are eligible for CEEDER;
5. The Support staff, a group of volunteers in charge of searching the reviews, filling up the spreadsheets and preparing the “rounds” of assessments (4 per year), providing support and tools for the other groups, and helping with the webpages and communication altogether with CEE.
If you are interested in joining any CEEDER team, you can find more information here.
Our Volunteers

Funmilola Ajani
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Funmilola is a lecturer at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in the Department of Wildlife and Ecotourism Management. She is passionate about the environmental integrity of biodiversity, recreational water bodies, and environmental education. She is the initiator and coordinator of the Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation in Sub-Saharan Africa (IBCSSA), which is a volunteer conservation body. She is a member of the UN PRME Working Group on Climate Change and Environment, a member, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), Member, IUCN Tourism and Protected Areas Specialist Group (TAPAS), Member, of the International Tourism Safety Association.

Isabel Alonso-Rodriguez
Natural England, UK
Isabel is Principal Specialist in the Chief Scientist Directorate in Natural England. She leads a small team of specialist reviewers working on various projects which focus on nature improvement. Recent projects have involved synthesising evidence on licencing, species reintroductions and habitat condition improvements. She was previously the national heathland specialist for over 20 years.

Erin Betley
American Museum of Natural History, USA
Erin’s research interests include the intersection of nature and human well-being, factors influencing ecological and social resilience, food and food systems; capacity development and conservation training at undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels, and evidence-based conservation & evidence-informed approaches to community engagement in conservation

Arvid Bring
Formas, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Sweden
Arvid is interested in systematic review methodology, particularly in applications to support national environmental objectives. In previous research, he has worked mainly with hydrology, water resources, and climate change.

Sam Brown
Sam is a Senior Scientist in the Environment Agency’s Flooding and Communities Research Team. He is leading on establishing an evidence synthesis capability within the Flood and Coastal Risk Management Directorate to support the use of evidence in strategic and policy decision-making.

Cynthia Cadet
Carleton University, Canada
Cynthia is a Senior Research Assistant at the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation, currently supporting a project about the effectiveness of community-based conservation and other types of governance on wildlife conservation and human well-being. She is also involved in a project to identify trends in the funding of conservation projects in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Samantha Cheng
American Museum of Natural History, USA

Neil Cook
Cardiff University, UK
Neil’s research interests include all things marine, but especially sharks and marine protected areas. His PhD looks at the use of technology and social networks to better understand dynamic temporal and spatial habitat use in temperate and tropical shark species.

Sarah Davies
PhD, Wetland Conservation Evidence, UK
Sarah is a Principal Researcher for the Wetland Bioscience team in WWT’s Conservation Evidence Department. Sarah’s research interests include wetland restoration, the benefits of wetlands for landscape biodiversity and the use of new technologies to unravel ecological interactions. She is particularly passionate about pond conservation and mini-wetlands. Sarah also works in landscape recovery, and supports projects by designing monitoring programmes and co-ordinating evidence gathering.

Natalie Dubois
PhD, Independent consultant, USA
Natalie (PhD Ecology) is an independent consultant with extensive experience supporting evidence use in conservation and development. She has held roles at organizations such as 3ie, Environmental Incentives, and Defenders of Wildlife, where she developed tools, synthesized evidence, and guided policy and program design to increase the effectiveness of environmental programs through better use and generation of evidence.

Salamatu Fada
Bangor University, UK
Salamatu is a Nigerian born Conservation Scientist and Educator resident in Bangor Gwynedd, United Kingdom. She was a Research fellow with the Centre for Evidence Based Conservation, Bangor University, UK between 2016 -2018 and currently, a Visiting Researcher in the School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University, UK. Her current research involves establishing a Coalition of Conservationists in Nigeria to work as a collective in creating sustainable conservation interventions to protect Nigerian Biodiversity. She is also actively involved in Human – wildlife conflict/co-existence in Dadin Kowa, Nigeria among other things. Salamatu is appointed member Expert Assessment Group, IUCN Green list for Nigeria.

Taiwo Femi-Falaye
Chief Scientific Officer with over 10years experience in Enviromental Impact Assessment, policy making and implementation with Federal Ministry of Environment,Nigeria. Her Area of interests are Impact of Air pollution on Human Health, Effect of Climate change on Food sustainability, Social impact Assessment, Evidence informed and Evidence Use in Environmental standards with focus on strategic Environmental Assessment for pre-developmental projects and operations.

Pedro Ferreira
University of Minho, Portugal
Pedro is in the second-year of the Master’s on Plant Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Bioentreperneuship from the University of Minho, Portugal. He is currently working on the development of a bio-fungicide for treating cork oak diseases, using the state-of-the-art biotechnological technique SIGS. This work awoke in him a special interest in small RNAs and how these molecules could affect not only plant development but also, how these small RNAs affect different plant-microorganism interactions.

Geoff Frampton
Southampton University, UK
Geoff has worked extensively on projects evaluating the impact of farming systems on wildlife, as well as the critical appraisal of health technologies. He has an interest in improving the methods of evidence synthesis to support decision making and has contributed to a wide range of systematic reviews, systematic maps, rapid evidence assessments and methods guidelines.

Colleen Harper
Carleton University, Canada

Meagan Harper
Carleton University, Canada
Meagan is a member of the Canadian Centre for Evidence Based Conservation and contributes to evidence synthesis (including systematic maps and systematic reviews) on various topics related to freshwater conservation and management.

Josie Jackson
Natural Resources Wales, UK
Josie works in the evidence team of Natural Resources Wales (NRW) where her role is to support the staff right across the organisation to use and commission evidence syntheses. She also advises staff on the effective communication of evidence to their wide range of audiences, from the public to policy makers. NRW is Wales’ (UK) government sponsored body for the environment and our work covers a vast remit, including areas such as forestry, fisheries, water efficiency, biodiversity and waste regulation.

Kelly Jones
Colorado State University, USA
Kelly is an associate professor at Colorado State University. Her research interests include causal analysis of conservation and land use policies including protected areas, payments for ecosystem services, land tenure interventions, and wildfire mitigation practices. She regularly collaborates on interdisciplinary teams to examine both environmental and socioeconomic outcomes of these policies and practices.

Saurabh Kelkar
PhD, Centre for Resilience Studies (CReS), Watershed Organization Trust (WOTR), India
Saurabh has a background in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences. Currently, he is working as a Research Associate at the Centre for Resilience Studies, evaluating scientific research and data to identify how shifts in climate will potentially affect Agriculture, Ecology, and Natural Resources.

Christian Kohl
PhD, Julius-Kuehn Institute, Germany
Christian is leading the working group “Evidence-based methods in the safety evaluation / impact assessment” at JKI. His particular research interest is on the establishment of systematic reviews and associated review approaches in the field of agricultural science. A further research focus is placed on the further development of the freely available online tool CADIMA (https://www.cadima.info), facilitating the conduct and documentation of systematic reviews, systematic maps and further literature reviews

Ko Konno
Ko is highly interested in the concept of risk of bias and the development of methods for assessing the validity of inferences in impact evaluation studies and evidence reviews.
Bangor University, UK

Tinka Kuhn
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
Tinka’s research interests focus on the interrelation of ecosystems and human well-being, and the sustainable use of ecosystem services. She is interested in evidence informed governance of marine ecosystems and the integrated management of freshwater and soil resources.

Magnus Land
FORMAS, Swedish research council for sustainable development, Sweden
Magnus’ research interests include water quality and environmental chemistry.

Barbara Livoreil
PhD, Coopaname, France
Barbara is a senior freelance consultant in science-policy-society knowledge transfer and occupational psychology. She has been promoting systematic reviews in France and is managing CEEDER since December 2022.

Bethan O’Leary
University of Exeter and University of York, UK
Beth is a conservation scientist whose research interests lie in the sustainable management of marine resources and the integration of scientific research with applied environmental management and policy. She is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter and an Honorary Fellow at the University of York.

Chinelo Obianom
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Private Company/Industry (BioAg sector)
Chinelo Obianom is a post-harvest technologist focusing on the environmental impact of pesticide disposal from the agricultural industry currently she is working on developing biofertilizers to eradicate commercial fertilizer runoff and preserve the ecosystem.

Siri Öckerman
Carleton University, Canada
Siri is a Senior Research Assistant at the Canadian Centre for Evidence Based Conservation currently supporting two ongoing evidence syntheses, one looking at the effectiveness of law enforcement actions and one on community-based conservation. She has previously focused on the international wildlife trade, having conducted a systematic map and review on the conservation and socioeconomic impacts of established interventions to regulate the trade.

Fatsuma Olaleru

Sandra Olmesdahl
University of Plymouth, UK
Sandra currently finds herself a perpetual student, currently completing her second MSc before embarking on her PhD, where her current focus is stepping away from the environment sector slightly and focusing on neuroscience. She is hoping in the end to combine the two into a research career post-doc.

Kupoluyi Oluwaseun
Cooperate Sustainability Officer in Nigeria
MSc in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management, I am a dedicated environmentalist committed to driving sustainability through evidence-based strategies. I am passionate about addressing environmental challenges and catalyzing positive change’

Chouly Ou

Dakis-Yaoba Ouedraogo
National Museum of Natural History, France
Dakis-Yaoba is a tropical forest ecologist currently performing systematic reviews to help decision-makers and managers to preserve biodiversity.

Sean Patterson
MSc, Carleton University, Canada
Sean completed his MSc in Biology at Carleton University. Following this, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation. Sean is currently a Clinical Research Assistant at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, where he is working on journalology (“publication science”) research.

Andrew Pullin
Bangor University, UK
Andrew is Chief Executive of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence and is interested in the development of evidence synthesis and evidence-informed decision making in the environmental sector.

George Pullin
York University, UK
George’s interests are in water and air pollution, climate change and emerging environmental technologies

Sarah Raymond
PhD, Post-doc Oxford University, UK
Sarah’s research interests include anthropogenic impacts of wildlife and biodiversity, spatial ecology and citizen science. She currently works as a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Oxford, where she is researching the impacts of critical mineral mining on biodiversity. She carried out her PhD at Cardiff University, where she investigated the impacts of roads on wildlife in the UK using data from citizen science project The Road Lab.

Rebecca Rees
University College London, UK
Rebecca is known for her work on perspectives and participation in the synthesis of existing research and the production of qualitative and mixed-methods systematic reviews, with a particular focus on young people’s health and wellbeing.

Kester Savage

Amanda Sigouin
American Museum of Natural History, USA
Amanda is a Biodiversity Specialist at the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) at the AMNH and serves as Coordinator for the CEE-US Centre. Her research interests include biocultural approaches to conservation, capacity development, natural climate solutions, and evidence-based conservation & evidence-informed approaches to conservation.

Temitope Sogbanmu
Senior Lecturer at the University of Lagos
PhD. Environmental Toxicology & Pollution Management, Temitope is an Ecotoxicologist with several years of experience in risk assessment and management of organic pollutants in various environmental matrices to provide targeted advice to policymakers/practitioners. She is the Founder/Lead of the Evidence Use in Environmental Policymaking in Nigeria (EUEPiN) Project and Environmental Evidence Portal for Nigeria (EEPoN), and leads the Environmental Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Translation (EESKT) Research Cluster within the TCEBCEM. Temitope advocates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 6 (clean water and sanitation), 11 (sustainable communities and cities), 13 (climate action), and 14 (sustaining life below water); African Union Agenda 2063 Goal 7 (environmentally sustainable and climate-resilient economies and communities); Research(er) Visibility for Societal Impact; Evidence for Policy; Science and Risk Communication.

Romain Sordello
Romain is an engineer in ecology. His expertise mainly concerns ecological networks (green infrastructures) and pollutions (noise, artificial light at night). He coordinates a team dedicated to systematic maps and reviews on biodiversity within the UMS PatriNat, within PatriNat, a unit under the co-supervision of three French public institutions (OFB, MNHN, CNRS, IRD)

Léa Terray
PatriNat OFB-MNHN-CNRS-IRD, France
Léa has a PhD in evolution and ecology. Her research focuses on phenotypic evolution across various dimensions—morphological, functional, and behavioral—and the driving forces behind it, such as climate changes and artificialization. She is currently part of a team specializing in systematic maps and reviews, with her work centered on sensory pollution and its impacts on animals and ecosystems.

Josefin Thorslund
Formas, Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Sweden
Josefin has a research background in large-scale hydrology and water resources. Current interests revolve around systematic review methodology, particularly in applications to support national environmental objectives.

Paul Woodcock
Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK

Ziqian Xia
Graduate student, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Ziqian Xia is a graduate student at Tongji University and a student researcher at Collective Intelligence Design Group, University of Cambridge. Ziqian’s research focuses on the human and policy dimensions of climate change. As a member of the CEEDER Team, Ziqian contributes to evidence synthesis, applying his expertise in systematic reviews and meta-analyses to support robust decision-making in environmental management.

Dong Xu
Beijing Normal University, China