South Africa

The Collaboration for Environmental Evidences Johannesburg Centre (CEE Joburg) was established in April 2012 and arose from the Collaboration¹s recognition of the need for a regional centre based in Africa.

The main mandate of CEE Joburg is to contribute to the work of the Collaboration by encouraging the production and use of research evidence to inform environmental policies and practices in Africa. As a team of experienced systematic reviewers, CEE Joburg fulfils this mandate by offering support to environmental scientists, managers, and practitioners who wish to undertake and/or use various forms of evidence syntheses, including full systematic reviews, evidence mapping and rapid evidence synthesis. We are currently working closely with government colleagues to develop and pilot a responsive evidence synthesis service to the South African national Department of Environmental Affairs. 

CEE Joburg is co-directed by Dr Carina van Rooyen and Professor Ruth Stewart, with support from our coordinator Natalie Tannous, and is hosted at the Africa Centre for Evidence at the University of Johannesburg.

For more information about the work CEE Joburg do, visit our website, send us an email, or follow us on twitter.

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