Stakeholder Engagement Methods Group


Stakeholder engagement is an integral part of all systematic reviews and maps to some degree. However, there has been little discussion of this important process in systematic review/map guidance to date, particularly in the field of environmental management and conservation. This series of commentary articles discusses various aspects of engaging with stakeholders: describing the ranges of methods available, outlining experiences from various systematic review/map experts, and discussing issues relating to conflict, the benefits of training, engaging directly with decision-makers, and communicating review/map results.

Current members:

Member Affiliation Link to webpage
Neal Haddaway (Group Leader) MISTRA EviEM, Stockholm Environment Institute Link to webpage
Ruth Stewart Johannesburg University Link to webpage
Steven Cooke Carleton University Link to webpage
Natalie Rebelo da Silva Johannesburg University Link to webpage
Christian Kohl Julius Kühn-Institut Link to webpage
Joachim Schiemann Julius Kühn-Institut Link to webpage
Ralf Wilhelm Julius Kühn-Institut Link to webpage
Jeremy Sweet Sweet Environmental Consultants (SEC), UK Link to webpage
Armin Spök Alpen-Adria Universitat Link to webpage


If you would like to enquire about joining the group, please contact the Group Leader ( for more information. Group members commit to joining group discussions several times per year, along with communicating the outputs and advertising the group externally. Group members are currently required to sign a brief Terms of Reference document in support of CEE aims and objectives.


Current outputs:

A special series of papers in Environmental Evidence on stakeholder engagement in systematic reviews and maps (

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