Current Opportunities
CEE offers opportunities for individuals to contribute to its mission through takeup of positions on its Board and Project Teams. The positions are mostly voluntary, not salaried, but some offer modest remuneration dependent on commitment and responsibility. All presents opportunites to develop skills and experience of work in the field of evidence synthesis and/or working for an environmental NGO. The following is a list of current opportunities. If you are interested please contact us for more details at
Communications Officer - An exciting opportunity to develop skills in communicating evidence, this posts has a vital role ion ensuring that CEE's products and services are available to all potential users. The Officer updates the website, overseas social media activities and liaises with the CEE Teams, Board and Executive Office to meet their communication needs. Read more...
Editor-in-Chief of PROCEED - PROCEED is a new CEE project that provides an online, free and open access repository of titles and protocols for evidence syntheses in the environmental sector. We are looking for an individual who is experienced in evidence synthesis methodology and wishes to lead on this new and exciting project. Read more....
PROCEED Handling Editors - PROCEED is a new CEE project that provides an online, free and open access repository of titles and protocols for evidence syntheses in the environmental sector. We are looking for individual who are familiar with evidence synthesis methods who can assess titles and protocols as they are submitted using standard checklists and eligibility criteria. Read More....
CEEDER Editorial Team Members - CEEDER is a free evidence service to environmental decision makers in the form of a global database of evidence reviews in the environmental sector. Editorial team members play a key role in screening and assessing reviews for inclusion in the database. Read more....
CEEDER Review College Member - The CEEDER Review College is a team of skilled individuals that provides independent assessments of the reliability of Evidence Reviews and Overviews using CEESAT. Members are volunteers drawn from all over the world and come from a diversity of backgrounds in the environmental science, policy and management communities. Read more....
CEE Board Trustee - New Trustees are periodically sought to join with the Board of Trustees to help guide CEE towards achieving its mission and strategic objectives. Trustees need to be able to make a commitment to CEE and devote the necessary time, have strategic vision, independent judgement, an ability to think creatively and a willingness to take an active role in fund-raising. Read more....