What evidence exists on the performance of nature-based solutions interventions for coastal protection in biogenic, shallow ecosystems? A systematic map protocol
Background Anthropogenic pressures and climate change threaten…
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Quantitative evidence synthesis: a practical guide on meta-analysis, meta-regression, and publication bias tests for environmental sciences
Abstract Meta-analysis is a quantitative way of synthesizing results from multiple studies to obtain reliable evidence of an intervention or phenomenon. Indeed, an increasing number of…
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Climate change and the global redistribution of biodiversity: substantial variation in empirical support for expected range shifts
Background Among the most widely predicted climate…
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Existing evidence related to soil retention of phosphorus from on-site wastewater treatment systems in boreal and temperate climate zones: a systematic map
Background In Sweden there are nearly one million…
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What evidence exists of crop plants response to exposure to static magnetic and electromagnetic fields? A systematic map protocol
Background Increasing demand for food and concerns…
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What evidence exists regarding the effects of photovoltaic panels on biodiversity? A critical systematic map protocol
Background Climate change and the current phase-out…
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Effects on groundwater storage of restoring, constructing or draining wetlands in temperate and boreal climates: a systematic review
Background Drainage activities have caused widespread wetland…
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Priority questions to guide future fundamental and applied research on tipping points and cumulative effects in marine, terrestrial and freshwater realms
Background The objective of this project and call for questions is to develop a research agenda on ecological tipping points and cumulative effects in marine,…
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What evidence exists for the use of urban forest management in nature-based carbon solutions and bird conservation. A systematic map protocol
Background There is global interest in finding…
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