Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: a systematic map protocol
Background This systematic map protocol responds to…
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What are the impacts of small-scale dredging activities on inland fisheries productivity? A systematic review protocol
Background Small-scale dredging activities in freshwater bodies have…
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What evidence exists on the impact of specific ecosystem components and functions on infectious diseases? A systematic map
Background The control and prevention of…
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Cassava farming practices and their agricultural and environmental impacts: a systematic map protocol
Background Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a…
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What evidence exists on ecotechnologies for recycling carbon and nutrients from domestic wastewater? A systematic map
Background Eutrophication of the Baltic Sea, and many…
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Scientific evidence of sustainable plant disease protection strategies for oats in Sweden: a systematic map
Background Oat (Avena sativa L.) is…
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What is the impact of continuous cover forestry compared to clearcut forestry on stand-level biodiversity in boreal and temperate forests? A systematic review protocol
Background The ecosystem services provided by forests…
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What do we know about the impacts of the Marine Stewardship Council seafood ecolabelling program? A systematic map protocol
Background Voluntary sustainability standards and eco-labels are…
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