Review Teams are composed of persons conducting a CEE Evidence Synthesis. The members of a Review Team are the sole authors of the synthesis they produce.

They interact with other persons during the conduct of the review, primarily the commissioners of the review, the stakeholders, the peer-reviewers and the representatives from the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence.

As authors, the Review Team submits both the protocol and completed review to the CEE journal, Environmental Evidence.

Details of existing Review Teams

Members of Review Teams are listed for each review on their dedicated webpage and on the cover page of each document (protocol, review).

To find them, you can search or look through the CEE Evidence Syntheses and Syntheses in Progress and click directly on the title of the synthesis or protocol. Clicking on the name of the Review Team member will bring you to a profile page that aggregates their contributions to CEE’s library and a biography if provided.

The work of a Review Team

Review Teams are independent autonomous groupings and are responsible for the conduct of CEE Evidence Syntheses to CEE standards (as set out in the CEE Guidelines).

CEE provides various support to Review Teams, including

  • online guidance and standards, templates, tools and software: Go to ‘Resources for Authors’ menu
  • training in CEE methodology: see Training
  • repository, dissemination, publication of evidence syntheses and other documents: see Library
  • For more information contact: