Biljana Macura is a senior research fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute Headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. She is an environmental social scientist focusing on producing robust synthesis of evidence to support decision-making in development and environment. Biljana is conducting systematic evidence syntheses, working on the improvement of systematic review methods, she is a contributor to the Guidelines and standards for evidence synthesis in the environmental management of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) and a member of Campbell-CEE Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Methods Group. Biljana is also a co-creator of reporting standards for environmental evidence synthesis (ROSES) and editorial manager of Environmental Evidence journal.
Biljana Macura
- Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining mitigation measures on social–ecological systems in Arctic and boreal regions: a systematic map protocol
- Technologies for recovery and reuse of plant nutrients from human excreta and domestic wastewater: a protocol for a systematic map and living evidence platform
- What evidence exists on the impact of governance type on the conservation effectiveness of forest protected areas? Knowledge base and evidence gaps. (systematic map)
- Manipulating ungulate herbivory in temperate and boreal forests: effects on vegetation and invertebrates. A systematic review
- Impact of structural habitat modifications in coastal temperate systems on fish recruitment: a systematic review
- Effectiveness of ecotechnologies in agriculture for the recovery and reuse of carbon and nutrients in the Baltic and boreo-temperate regions: a systematic map
- What is the impact on fish recruitment of anthropogenic physical and structural habitat change in shallow nearshore areas in temperate systems? A systematic review protocol
- What evidence exists on ecotechnologies for recycling carbon and nutrients from domestic wastewater? A systematic map
- Effectiveness of struvite precipitation and ammonia stripping for recovery of phosphorus and nitrogen from anaerobic digestate: a systematic review
- Existing evidence on the impacts of within-field farmland management practices on the flux of greenhouse gases from arable cropland in temperate regions: a systematic map